Economic Finance & Law


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About us

We are a highly qualified law firm and economists with extensive experience in both the public and private sector. We serve companies and governments in the assistance and resolution of complex issues through a multidisciplinary approach.


Nuestro equipo está conformado por expertos en el manejo de las Finanzas y Hacienda Pública que aportan gran experiencia en la consecución de los objetivos financieros de nuestros clientes. Contamos con experiencia en los tres niveles de gobierno y diseñamos estrategias específicamente para cada cliente, generando soluciones que se adaptan a sus condiciones financieras.

Tenemos experiencia en el manejo de asuntos financieros que involucran entidades de todos los órdenes de gobierno. Esto incluye estrategias de optimización en la recaudación local, coadyuvancia en la reestructuración de obligaciones y financiamientos adquiridos por órganos de gobierno, proyectos de infraestructura, estudios de desempeño financiero de proyectos gubernamentales y asesoría en el manejo de recursos federales.

Public Law Consulting


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Public Law Consulting



The relationship between authorities and individuals encompasses multiple branches of law and national regulations. For this reason, our Firm has extensive experience in advising and accompanying clients, both preventively and reactively, in the different areas of public impact.


Our services include advice, review, processing and procedural accompaniment of our clients. In addition, if necessary, we provide support and assistance in contentious proceedings, both in administrative and jurisdictional venues.



Legislative Consulting


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Legislative Consulting



During the last 25 years, legislative activity at the federal and local levels has become a space for deliberation and definition of public policies, political control, and construction of the national regulatory space with a high impact on the public and private sectors.


Our group of parliamentary specialists has the experience to advise our clients on multidisciplinary legislative analysis (legal and legislative techniques), regulatory contingencies, legislative process, parliamentary control, public agenda, and public management.



Intellectual / Industrial Property


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Intellectual / Industrial Property



We provide advice and accompaniment in the wide variety of issues related to the matter, including notices, registrations, controversies and infringements regarding trademarks, patents, names, advertising, utility models, industrial designs, copyrights and trade secrets.


We have expertise in disputes related to licensing and franchising, misleading advertising and unfair competition. We also develop creative solutions for prior disputes and, if necessary, in litigation.


Our Firm has specialists in compliance with the Protection Agreements of the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property, as well as in the structuring of projects for the protection of denominations of origin and geographical indications from a multidisciplinary perspective.



Due Diligence (legal and others)


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Due Diligence (legal and others)



We have extensive experience in the provision of customized audit and compliance services, including the determination of the corresponding compliance, regulatory and risk assessment scenarios.


This, from the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach for the exhaustive review of the general and specific components that are encompassed in the ordinary course of business and activities of our clients, especially in corporate, legal-regulatory, and environmental matters, among others.


Digital Economy and Technological Innovation


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Digital Economy and Technological Innovation



As a result of the transformation of digital technologies and data, telecommunications and broadcasting have had to evolve in order to meet the growing demand for data, and to offer new services, products and content, enabling the entry into a digital-based economy, and significantly increasing access to digital well-being.


For this reason, we advise our clients in both sectors, as well as industry stakeholders, in legal and regulatory compliance matters; in radio spectrum tenders; in obtaining concessions for commercial, public, social and experimental use; in national and international regulatory prospective analysis; as well as in supervision, verification and sanction procedures.


Likewise, we support them in the identification of growth opportunities and new businesses, given the innovation and technological impulse. This, through assignments, mergers, agreements, and strategic commercial alliances that improve their value chains, leading negotiations, and structuring transactions.


Antitrust Law


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Antitrust Law



Our Firm advises our clients in the different aspects or phases of Antitrust Law. We accompany them in the analysis and processes of concentrations, bids, concessions, permits, procedures followed in the form of trial, and immunity agreements. The aforementioned, with the intention of preventing and assisting damages or risks to the economic competition process, due to anticompetitive practices.


Entertainment Law


Legal And Legislative Consulting

Entertainment Law



Due to the dynamism of this industry and its constant evolution, our Firm has the necessary experience to provide, through a multidisciplinary approach, comprehensive and timely advice for the registration, protection and monitoring of trademarks, patents, copyrights, and use of image.


Additionally, we provide support in the obtention and granting licenses under specific modalities, so that authors, screenwriters, actors, content creators in social networks, entrepreneurs of digital platforms and applications, among other players in this industry, protect their intellectual property rights and cover their civil and commercial contractual needs, as well as tax, corporate and, when deemed necessary, litigation. Likewise, we have specific knowledge of the regulation, registration and authorization of promotions and advertising material before the competent authorities.



Environmental Law


Environmental Law


Our team advises clients on prior and concerted research, in order to act with caution in decision making, as well as in obtaining environmental authorizations in accordance with applicable legislation. On the other hand, we provide support in the follow-up and implementation of obligations arising from the granting of concessions or licenses, as well as in the creation of strategies regarding environmental impact.


Additionally, we analyze law initiatives, international treaties, and Mexican Official Standards on waste, circular economy, plastics, climate change and environmental responsibility. Derived from such analysis, we generate strategies to prevent and mitigate conflict situations for our clients.

Hydric Law


Hydric Law


We specialize in preventing and resolving hydric matters. Our services include the identification of any threats and the design of strategies to mitigate them. In addition, we advise clients who have a water concession, and offer different schemes to comply with their legal obligations.


We are aware of the complexity of hydric matters, especially in current times, when scarcity poses a challenge. Consequently, we approach this issue from a global framework, which contemplates the phenomenon from an administrative perspective, taking into account its health, environmental, tax, and legislative components.


We also apply water stress tests to our clients, and monitor compliance with the standards and limits established in the Mexican Official Standards and current standards.

Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law


Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law


We advise our clients in both sectors in their legal and regulatory compliance in radio spectrum bids, in obtaining concessions for commercial, public, social and experimental use, as well as in supervision, verification and sanction procedures. Likewise, we support them in identifying and establishing growth opportunities and new businesses through innovation and technological impulse, by means of assignments, mergers, agreements, and strategic commercial alliances, leading the negotiations and structuring the transactions.

Constitutional and Administrative Litigation

Constitutional and Administrative Litigation

Constitutional and Administrative Litigation:


Our litigation practice specializes in constitutional and administrative matters, including the “amparo” (constitutional litigation) before local and federal courts, to combat acts issued by the three levels of government, and related to administrative procedures, such as permits, authorizations, licenses, and any other act emanating from such authorities


We also handle “amparos” against laws, regulations, and administrative provisions that affect the legal sphere of our clients.

Economic Analysis of the Law

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Economic Analysis of the Law


Through a multidisciplinary approach, we provide specialized analysis and consulting services for public and private entities, through the diagnosis and evaluation of normative projects and regulatory instruments from an economic approach, based on a methodology anchored in the systematization of actions and proposals to address specific situations or particular needs in the processes of design and formulation of public policies. In this sense, we formulate technical considerations for the comprehensive definition of the economic impact, and the effects derived from the implementation process of such projects and instruments at the national and international level.

Finance and Treasury

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Finance and Treasury


We have experience in the three levels of government and design specific strategies to accompany the private and public sector, generating solutions that adapt to the circumstances of each client. We have implemented schemes for the analysis, optimization, and solutions in the areas of revenue, expenditure, debt and asset management, in conjunction with the restructuring of obligations and financing acquired by government agencies, infrastructure projects, financial performance studies of government projects, and advice on the management of federal resources.

Economic Analysis

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Economic Analysis


We develop diagnoses and studies of the economic context, which allow our clients to anticipate the macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions, as well as variables of the country. We also provide our services to industries, national and international companies, and the public sector at the three levels of government, through the exhaustive and personalized analysis of the technical-economic elements, for the comprehensive and accurate presentation of scenarios, as well as critical path alternatives for the determination of a course of action that allow the addressing of threats and opportunities in a timely manner.

Connectivity and Digital Inclusion

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Connectivity and Digital Inclusion


In recent years, information and communication technologies (ICT) have presented an exponential growth and evolution, which has transformed the lives of people, businesses, governments, and society, in a way in which deficiencies in connectivity represent a barrier to enter the digital world.


Our Firm offers national and local governments and stakeholders, the development of connectivity diagnostics, as well as the generation, development and implementation of public policies that allow them to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the digital inclusion of its inhabitants; thus improving the conditions of connectivity and growth for citizens, companies, businesses, offices and public places. Thus, promoting the human right to internet access and fostering the reduction of digital divides.


Public Affairs And Public Policy



We offer consulting schemes for the implementation of public policy mechanisms that result in the development and optimization of innovative public and private transportation projects. This, in order to promote and detonate more efficient and sustainable mobility systems, while considering the needs at a local, regional, and national level, with the primary goal of designing and implementing mobility schemes that contribute to the economic and social development of the country.

Transparency and Accountability

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Transparency and Accountability


We design and implement strategies and mechanisms of focused transparency, structuring public policy projects, shielding the decision-making process, generating documentary memories, and integrating white books in a sufficient manner. Likewise, we carry out internal auditing processes, as well as the design and attention in the applicable auditing procedures. This, with the goal of contributing to the strengthening of transparency and accountability in the public and private spheres.

Crisis Control and Management

Public Affairs And Public Policy

Crisis Control and Management


In a digital world -in constant evolution and with information that is generated and transmitted at great speed- it is of great importance for our clients the comprehensive advisory service that our Firm provides them, through the analysis of critical situations, the construction of narratives and the development and implementation of strategies, as well as the identification of timely solutions that mitigate the reputational risk of the sectors involved.


Project finance



We offer customized consulting services in the formulation, contracting and implementation of infrastructure projects, for the benefit of both public and private entities. Our services include, but are not limited to, the diagnosis of the economic, social and legal feasibility of the projects; the evaluation of alternatives and determination of the applicable contracting model; the corresponding financial structuring; the legal implementation of the contracting route under the terms of the applicable regulatory framework at the federal, state and municipal levels; as well as the accompaniment during the formalization and implementation processes of the concession titles and other public-private partnership instruments, including the administrative follow-up during the development of the various stages of execution.

Real Estate

Project finance

Real Estate


We provide comprehensive support to private entities in a wide variety of real estate transactions, including the financing of real estate projects and their intervention in public space; the execution of sale and purchase transactions and sale and leaseback of real estate; the development, construction and commercialization of real estate; consulting in environmental regulation, zoning, and real estate tax advice. In turn, we carry out and accompany the legal and financial structuring of construction projects, from the design and preparation of the corresponding contractual instruments to the supervision of their execution.


Legal and Legislative Consulting



Public Affairs and Public Policy

Project finance


Founding Partner


Socio Fundador

Emilio Suárez Licona holds a law degree from ITAM and a Master's degree in Government and Public Policy from Universidad Panamericana (UP). In the academic field, he teaches International Public Law and International Politics at the UP; he has also been a professor of Administrative, Electoral and Parliamentary Law at other academic institutions.

In the professional field, he has participated in constitutional, administrative, financial, parliamentary, international and electoral law matters.

In the public sector, he has worked in different agencies, including the SHCP (as Head of the units of: Technical Support to the Secretary; Development Banking; and Coordination with Federal Entities), SRE (Legal Consultant), SEDESOL (General Counsel and Commissioner for Transparency) and the Federal Chamber of Deputies (Coordinator of Advisors to the Secretary General and Secretary of Parliamentary Services).

He is a columnist for El Heraldo nationwide and for La Jornada in the state of Hidalgo.

He is founding partner of EF&L since 2018.



Founding Partner


Founding Partner

Francisco Diez Marina Palacios holds a Law Degree, a Master’s in Government and Public Policy, and is a Specialist in Administrative Law Institutions from the Universidad Panamericana (UP). In the academic field, he teaches Public International Law at the School of Law and Government, as well as International Politics at the School of Government of the UP. Additionally, he holds a certification in corporate sustainability from New York University

In the public sector, he served as Deputy General Legal and Fiduciary Director of SHF and Coordinator of Advisors of the Development Banking Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. He served as Deputy General Director of Legality and Transparency at the Ministry of Social Development and was Director of Policy Coordination, Director of Analysis, Deputy General Director of Liaison with the Congress, and Coordinator of Advisors at he SRE.

He is a member of the COMEXI and a columnist for Diario 24 Horas and Diario Querétaro.

He is founding partner of EF&L since 2018, specializing in financial, energy, hydric, environmental, and climate change law.






Juan José Crispín Borbolla holds a law degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).

He has been a partner at EF&L since 2021, specializing in telecommunications, regulatory, administrative, electoral and parliamentary matters.

He served as Executive Coordinator, President of the Trust and attended the Committee for Attention regarding Cases of Violence of the IFT. He also served as Technical Secretary of the Plenary and the Advisory Council of the IFT and COFETEL.

In addition, he was a member of the Transparency Council of the IFT, chaired the Information Committee, was Head of the Radio and Television Systems Unit, General Director of Supervision, and Deputy General Director of the National Radiomonitoring Network of COFETEL.

He also served as Coordinator of Inter-institutional Relations of INDETEC, was legal advisor to the Senate of the Republic in the LVIII Legislature, and Technical Secretary of the Municipal Strengthening Commission of the Chamber of Deputies in the LVII Legislature.



junior partner


junior partner

Holds a law degree from the Universidad Panamericana, and specializes in Administrative Law. He has extensive experience in the public and private sectors, his practice focuses on consulting in administrative, regulatory, public and parliamentary policy, through comprehensive attention to companies and governments.

In the public sphere, he has extensive experience having held various responsibilities in the Federal Government, including the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. In the private sphere, he worked at the firm Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C. and was an associate at the firm Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C.






Law degree from the Universidad Panamericana. Consultant in administrative, environmental and regulatory law, with special focus on public law. He worked at Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social of the Universidad Panamericana (B.J.G.S) in the area of Civil and Family Litigation and at Hamdan Manzanero y Asociados, S.C. in administrative litigation.



Legal Adviser


Legal Adviser

Law Student at Universidad Panamericana. She has participated in the elaboration of several studies in the field of international, environmental, and regulatory analysis. She worked at the 229 and 242 Notary Public of Mexico City. She taught several classes at the Kakamega Care Centre in Kenya and the Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda.



Legal Adviser


Legal Adviser

Law Student at Universidad Panamericana. Consultant in administrative and corporate law. He has participated in several matters regarding contractual and corporate governance. Previously, he worked in the associated notary offices 229 and 242 which during his time he co-authored the first notarial dictionary published by the Notary Association of Mexico City.



Technical Advisor


Technical Advisor

She holds a Philosophy degree from Universidad Panamericana. She has participated in analysis projects of legislative and electoral matters. Research assistant in projects of institutional violence at a national and international specter in Avina-Pulsante. Previously, she worked as an adjunct professor in the History of the Culture course at Universidad Panamericana.



Strategic Partner


Strategic Partner

Law Degree, Specialist in Amparo and Real Estate Law and Master in Administrative Law from Universidad Panamericana (UP). In the professional field, he began working in the Collegiate Courts in Administrative Law, specializing in the resolution of amparo trials. Subsequently, he worked in professional practice in administrative and tax litigation in various international firms. Since 2018, he has been president of the Rule of Law Commission at CANACINTRA. Since 2012, he is a founding partner of the firm Álvarez Tostado y Diez Marina Abogados, specializing in litigation against regulations in the health, environmental, tax, advertising and water sectors.






Law Degree and Specialist in Commercial Law Institutions, both from Universidad Panamericana (UP). He also has a postgraduate degree in the areas of Amparo, Intellectual Property and Creative Industries.

In the professional field, he has experience in Intellectual Property and administrative litigation. He currently works as a Jr. attorney in the law firm Álvarez Tostado & Diez Marina, in which he participates in the preparation of lawsuits (administrative litigation, direct and indirect amparo), responses and appeals, before local and federal administrative authorities, as well as federal judicial organs.



Legal Adviser


Legal Adviser

Law student at Universidad Panamericana. He has participated in the preparation of briefs, nullity suits, memorandums, as well as in the follow-up of proceedings before administrative and jurisdictional authorities (TJACDMX, TFJA, PJF, SCJN).

He previously worked in the area of civil and commercial litigation, assisting in the drafting of pleadings, as well as in the follow-up of cases at the PJF..



Legal Adviser


Legal Adviser

Law student at Universidad Panamericana. He has participated in the drafting of briefs memorandums, service proposals, support in the drafting of initial briefs, as well as follow-up of proceedings before administrative and jurisdictional authorities (TJACDMX, TFJA, PJF, SCJN, CJF, ASF, among others).

He previously worked at Calderón y de la Sierra CIA S.A. in the fintech area and at the criminal law firm Rábago y Mena Asociados. He currently works at the law firm Álvarez Tostado y Diez Marina, in the area of administrative litigation.


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strategic alliances

National and International Partners


Project finance


Ofrecemos esquemas de consultoría personalizados en materia de formulación, contratación e implementación de proyectos de infraestructura, en beneficio tanto de entes públicos como privados. Nuestros servicios incluyen, sin estar limitado a, el diagnóstico de la viabilidad económica, social y jurídica de los proyectos; la evaluación de las alternativas y determinación del modelo de contratación aplicable; la estructuración financiera correspondiente; la implementación jurídica de la ruta de contratación en los términos del marco normativo aplicable a nivel federal, estatal y municipal; así como el acompañamiento durante los procesos de formalización e implementación de los títulos de concesión y demás instrumentos de asociación público-privada, incluyendo el seguimiento administrativo en el desarrollo de las diversas etapas de ejecución.


Project finance



Brindamos acompañamiento integral a entidades privadas en una gran variedad de operaciones inmobiliarias, entre las que destaca el financiamiento de proyectos inmobiliarios y su intervención en el espacio público; la celebración de operaciones de compraventa y venta con posterior arrendamiento de inmuebles; el desarrollo, construcción y comercialización de inmuebles; consultoría en materia de regulación ambiental, zonificación y asesoría fiscal inmobiliaria. A su vez, realizamos y acompañamos la estructuración jurídica y financiera de proyectos de construcción, desde el diseño y elaboración de los instrumentos contractuales correspondientes hasta la supervisión de la ejecución de los mismos.